So, maybe saying “sorry” is too harsh with him. I loathed that man so much, I’m not even going to waste my beautiful blog with his picture. You want to know what Satan’s Child looks like, Google.
I learned of Dead Samuels through various message boards and social media streams. Every time I saw a video of his – a rather scathing video attacking Black women, mind you – I wondered why I lost so many brain cells watching it to begin with.
I made a vow to never interact with that man nor pay attention to him. It’s still up for debate if he really believed what he said or he just wanted to do it for clicks and hits. I’m sure he made a lot of money attacking everything Black women.
So, when news of his death began circulating, I paused judgment. After all, because he said vile things didn’t necessarily make him a vile person. It wasn’t until quite a few people stated he once made a rather hurtful declaration that if a child accuses a man of sexual abuse, the mother should automatically believe the man, and not the child, because children can lie according to Kevin Samuels.
And that’s when I officially said, ‘Fuck that nigga.’
EDIT: For those who don’t believe, here is an actual video of Dead Samuels saying just that:
Listen, I don’t cheer when bad people die. They usually die in the same way they live, or even worse. When you spew hate, it will consume you. It will overtake you. Very few people have spewed hate and live content lives. Their appearances have drastically changed. Who they’re associated with becomes smaller and smaller. Hate can do more than just give you clicks, likes, and money; it can destroy your life.
I’m not mad at Kevin Samuels; why would I be? The nigga is dead. I’m upset he lived his life in a way where he felt ragging on Black women all day every day was the way to live. I’m upset he has – even in death – a cult, rabid following who thought he was the next coming of Jesus.
And, of course, this needs to be said: Kevin Samuels is dead, but his ideologies are still very much alive. Many viral media personalities have to spit the same bullshit KS has for years, and there will be more to take his place.
What you do on Earth will automatically determine how people feel about you in death. While some might not care because they’ll be dead, some should care. What is the legacy you want to leave on this Earth? Will people say you were a good person who did good things? Will people say you were a selfish person who only cared about yourself? Will people hear your name and thank God you’re no longer around to be a menace?
I hope the peace that alluded Mr. Samuels in life, he finds in death.
Edit: one of my beautiful readers sent me this YouTube from FOUR MONTHS AGO, showing evidence of how much of a fraud Kitten Heels Broke Dusty Samuels was.
To his fans, you’ve been scammed and lied to the fire by a con artist who never cared and again, still not sure if he even believed the bullshit he spewed. It still doesn’t matter at the end of the day, because you supported a man who said it was okay for women don’t believe their children when claimed they were molested.
I hope that sits well with your souls.
This is disturbing, hateful and sad.
Now, did you actually read my blog post or you just saw the heading and decided to mosey on in?
When someone attacks a marginalized group, all bets are off.
And the simple fact you honestly, truly believe what I said was disturbing, hateful, and sad…and not ANY of the stuff Dead-Ass Negro has stated with his whole chest…well, there’s nothing I can do about that.
I sincerely hope that if a child confides in you that someone molested them, you actually believe the child. Because your hero, Mr. Dead Negro, told his audience to question it because children lie.
Wow…isn’t that rather disturbing, hateful, and sad? I think it is.
This blog needs to die! Just because you didn’t like him don’t doesn’t mean that you should be so harsh. What if ppl cheered when you die? Also your WRITING SUCKS! And yes, I wish I had one night with him! I listened to him for advice and he gave good advice, even though I’m still single and could use company. So WHAT???
I sincerely hope you’re not a Black woman defending that dead misogynist. But if you are, let me tell you what I told your fellow window-licker back on Friday (you still care about that dead man?):
Now, did you actually read my blog post or did you just see the heading and decided to mosey on in?
When someone attacks a marginalized group, all bets are off.
And the simple fact you honestly, truly believe what I said was disturbing, hateful, and sad…and not ANY of the stuff Dead-Ass Negro has stated with his whole chest…well, there’s nothing I can do about that.
I sincerely hope that if a child confides in you that someone molested them, you actually believe the child. Because your hero, Mr. Dead Negro, told his audience to question it because children lie.
So, Ms. Window-Licker…I don’t care if you think my writing sucks. I don’t care if you cheer when I’ll be dead (why would I? I’ll be dead!). But if you’re excusing a man who pretty much says molestation and pedophilia are okay, well, there’s no hope for you. There is absolutely NOTHING I can say that would be even remotely vile to what Dead Samuels said with his whole chest. You can’t defend that. No one can.
This is beyond saying bad things about a group of people. That man didn’t even live the life he was encouraging his followers, you included.
Now I know slow and special people like yourself take a while to figure out that things are not right and then they have the slow anger, hence why I wrote a blog post on Friday and you’re just now saying something about it on the following Wednesday. And I get it. You’re probably crying yourself to sleep on the wish that you had one night with that dusty-ass Negro who was broke and didn’t even take care of himself while he was still alive. I totally get it. You’re in mourning, you’re in pain.
I still…DGAF.
Again, I’m telling you this as I told the other window-licker and those who follow, once you excuse a child confiding in an adult about their molestation, all bets are off. I sincerely hope you are not a parent and I sincerely hope you are not around any children you can influence if you’re madder about what I said about a dead man than WHAT HE SAID WHEN HE WAS ALIVE.
Thank you for the hits and clicks. I appreciate the anger money from you.